Lessons from the Tank Logo-02

My journey from inventing a product in my garage to appearing on national television in front of 30+ million people was a virtual roller coaster! I learned so much from the whole experience and wanted a way to share some of those insights, so welcome to my blog! I believe that everyone can benefit in some way from these Lessons From The Tank!

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When Being Wrong Is Right

Approach the problem with the mindset that you could have something to do with it, and be willing to be wrong. I have found that not only is being right all the time impossible, but it’s also self-sabotaging behavior that ultimately reveals insecurity.


Turn and Face the Strange (or the Strain) – Either Way, It’s Not Easy

When “Changes” was produced, rock and roll had solidified its place as king in the music world. However, artists like Bowie ushered in a new musical landscape that continued to stretch the boundaries of the familiar, delve into some social/political messaging, and break all the stereotypes. I wonder how all those “rock and rollers” felt about this industry shake-up. Probably not good. Change will always be a tension to manage because we seem to have a default setting that naturally resists it. But sometimes we have to “turn and face the strange,” especially in business.

Joe at Panther Labworks 2023

Let’s Wrap It Up

As the year draws to a close, it’s prime time to don the analyst hat and dive into the highs and lows of the past twelve months. It’s that annual ritual of looking back to move forward (which is one of the few valid reasons for looking back at all.) It’s time to evaluate those successes and failures. It might sound cliché, but trust me, this ritual isn’t just about nostalgia; it’s your secret sauce for leveling up in the coming year.

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Shake That Can

If you’re willing to be honest with yourself about what’s holding you back, you’ll often find that the reasons are more likely fear-based excuses. And fear-based excuses are a perfect recipe for regret. So shake that can because there’s something useful in there, even if it’s not exactly what you’re looking for.


The Biggest Flex Is Being Flexible

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” – George Bernard Shaw. The official Merriam-Webster dictionary lists change as a transitive verb, and I’m not arguing with the authority, but I think of it more as a noun. Change – like gravity – is a constant “thing” in life and…

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Put Me In, Coach

Everyone wants a “nice” leader. Someone they can relate to, feel seen and respected by, and who is approachable. But we all also crave a structure that positions us for the win. And sometimes, that “win” might mean a promotion, but it could also mean finding a different job where your skills or personality are more needed and appreciated.


The Question That Saved My Business

“So how open are you to feedback, pushback, and disagreement? It’s a question worth contemplating for a lot of reasons. Allowing for and even encouraging debate in your organization builds trust, increases morale, and raises productivity because it speaks volumes about the value you place on your people and your confidence in them.”

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Humble Confidence: How Do You Do That?

In this puffed-up braggadocious world of social media warriors, armchair quarterbacks, and self-appointed experts in just about everything, I feel that, more and more, we’re becoming a people of intolerance and disrespect. Our confidence in our opinions or abilities is at an unhealthy all-time high, producing more skepticism in the world at large.


A Towering Truth About Leadership: It’s The Little Things

“Leaders who are frustrated with team performance but have nothing to do with the team (in my opinion) have nothing to say – at least nothing that anyone is eager to hear. A leader who is willing to get their hands dirty will always have a more loyal following than the one who simply points a clean finger…”

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Still Relevant 150 Years Later – Henry Ford Had Leadership Essentials Down To A T

“He was born to farmers of modest means in 1863, but when he died, Henry Ford’s net worth was equal to that of Elon Musk’s today. As America’s second billionaire, the father of mass production, and the Ford Motor Company founder, Henry Ford has a lot to teach us about determination, ingenuity, leadership, and life…”

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This Is What’s Missing From Your Resolutions

It’s that time of the year when we set lofty goals and determine that we will do better in the next 12 months – eat better, exercise more, reduce stress, or spend more time with our families. But if you made some New Year’s resolutions, the news isn’t great…But I didn’t drop into your New Year sphere of influence to spoil the party. So, like all leaders, entrepreneurs, and expedition adventurers tend to do, let’s look for ways to beat the odds.


The Cheeseheads Are On To Something

You don’t become a world-class athlete without excessive zeal. You don’t build a successful business or brand without obsessive enthusiasm. You don’t come up with a new idea or invention with entertaining wild and extravagant notions.

So why does the word “fanatic” seem to have a generally negative connotation that most people don’t want to have associated with them?